Monday, December 29, 2008

Work in Progress!

Hey everyone! I've been working a whole lot lately on getting things ready so that I can start an Etsy shop to sell some of my handmade creations!

I need to ask you friends and family to do me a few favors to help me get things going! Please go check out and bookmark my new craft blog over at and let me know what you think of the layout and the posts I've done so far.

The point of that blog is for me to gather some information so I can be more successful in marketing my products when I start selling things. Over time, the blog will probably become more of a showcasing point for current projects and other things that will soon show up for sale in my Etsy shop.

BTW, the only reason I'm not linking to said shop right now is that I haven't listed anything yet, so it's just a sad page with my very cool banner on it =)

I appreciate any help and support you're willing to lend, and I'll try to return the favor when needed. Thanks again!

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